- Maintain Your MuscleStrength Training at Any Age You’ve likely heard that exercise can help you live a longer, healthier life. When you hear the word ‘exercise,’ you might think of going for a run or hopping on a bicycle. Or maybe playing soccer with your kids or basketball with your friends after work. But these activities don’t… Read more: Maintain Your Muscle
- Resident’s Rights: What to ExpectWhen a loved one no longer is able to remain at home safely with supports it pays to have some basic knowledge when faced with the task of finding appropriate placement. Long-Term Care is a system unto itself with a language that most do not know if they have not had experience with either Skilled… Read more: Resident’s Rights: What to Expect
- Prevent Burnout25 Ways to Improve Your Day Download printable pdf Simple self-care strategies to help you feel better Put things into perspective [What is truly important?]Take a quick walkLaugh at something sillyDo a random act of kindnessList three things that make you smileTake a power nap [less than 20 min]Drink waterCall or text a friendCheck your… Read more: Prevent Burnout
- Communication and Alzheimer’sAlzheimer’s disease and other dementias gradually diminish a person’s ability to communicate. Communication with a person with Alzheimer’s requires patience, understanding and good listening skills. The strategies below can help both you and the person with dementia understand each other better. Additionally, the Idaho Commission on Aging website has Dementia Skills training that focuses on preparing… Read more: Communication and Alzheimer’s
- Five Steps for Family CaregiversCaring for a family member or a close friend is one of the most important roles you will ever play. It may start by simply running errands, driving them to their doctor appointment or shopping. Later, you may find yourself handling their medications, meals, finances, activities of daily living or other medical complexities. Therefore, it… Read more: Five Steps for Family Caregivers
- Emergency Preparedness for Older AdultsFollow these easy steps to make sure you’re protected. Natural disasters, such as wildfires, floods, and blizzards, may force you to evacuate your home or shelter-in-place at short notice. It is important to know what to do in case of an emergency well before disaster strikes. If you are an older adult living in the… Read more: Emergency Preparedness for Older Adults
- Bounce Back from Difficult Times6 Ways to Nurture Your Resilience Everyone goes through tough times in life. But many things can help you survive—and even thrive—during stressful periods. Nurturing your body, brain, and social connections can help you bounce back from stress. Use the six strategies below to get you started! Develop healthy physical habits. Healthy eating, physical activity, and… Read more: Bounce Back from Difficult Times
- Humor is HealthyLaughing is both a physical and mental stress reliever. A good laugh can soothe tension, aid in relaxation, and release feel-good hormones to your brain. Laughter has also been shown to strengthen a person’s immune system and help relieve pain by encouraging the body to release its own natural painkillers. Best of all, out of everything… Read more: Humor is Healthy
- National Kidney MonthMarch is National Kidney Month! Did you know 100,000 people are currently waiting for a kidney transplant?! With so few organs available for transplantation, living donation is the best way we have to continue to save lives. Living donation takes place when a living person donates an organ (or part of an organ) for transplantation to another… Read more: National Kidney Month
- Crisis Coping ResourcesComPsych’s Guidance Resources®, the State of Idaho’s Employee Assistance Program provider, has shared the following resources to help cope with the anxiety and stress associated with global crisis and conflict. Through the Employee Assistance Program, benefit eligible employees and their dependents may receive 1 to 5 visits per person, per issue, per plan year to… Read more: Crisis Coping Resources
- 4 Mood and Energy BoostersYour energy levels can be depleted by many factors. The external world is full of distractions, noise, sadness, and stress. It is valuable to remember that you, and only you, are responsible for your mood. Here are some helpful tips to keep your mood and energy levels in check so you can build them back up when they… Read more: 4 Mood and Energy Boosters
- Radon: Fact or Fiction?Did you know radon is present in many Idaho homes? The Idaho Environmental Health Program within the Division of Public Health manages the Idaho Radon Program. Below is information to separate radon facts from fiction and help keep your family healthy. FACT: All homes should be tested for radon. Radon is a naturally-occurring radioactive gas… Read more: Radon: Fact or Fiction?
- The 12 Ways to WellnessThe 12 Ways to Wellness Sung to the tune of The 12 Days of Christmas The first way to wellness said Health Matters to me,Wash hands to be safe and healthy! The second way to wellness said Health Matters to me,Manage your stress, and wash hands to be safe and healthy! The third way to… Read more: The 12 Ways to Wellness
- Small Steps, BIG DifferenceNovember is National Diabetes Month! Prediabetes is a serious health condition that puts you at an increased risk for developing type 2 diabetes. Prediabetes affects more than 1 in 3 U.S. adults—that’s 88 million people—but most people don’t know they have it. The good news is that by making healthy lifestyle changes, it is possible… Read more: Small Steps, BIG Difference
- ResilienceResilience is the ability to adapt and bounce back from stress, change, and challenge. Like a muscle, the more you exercise your resilience, the stronger it becomes. Being resilient doesn’t protect you from experiencing negative emotions, but it does help you embrace the opportunity to learn about yourself and prepare you for future challenges. 4… Read more: Resilience
- Idaho Family Dinner Night 2021Celebrate Idaho Family Dinner Night on September 27! Eating together regularly as a family is one of the best ways to build and maintain strong relationships with your children. Frequent family dinners are linked to positive benefits for youth, including lower rates of substance use, decreased stress, higher self-esteem, and better academic performance in school.… Read more: Idaho Family Dinner Night 2021
- Move MoreHow to Move More at Work Download infographic Take 5 to 10! It is recommended to get 30 minutes of physical activity most days of the week. Remember that some is always better than none, so try adding more movement whenever you can!Add a few 5- to 10-minute activity bursts throughout your workday to get… Read more: Move More
- Be The 1 ToThis page is not intended to and does not provide crisis intervention. If you are currently in a crisis, or have immediate concerns about someone, call the Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline at 208-398-4357 (HELP) September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month Suicide Prevention Awareness Month is a time to honor loved ones lost to suicide… Read more: Be The 1 To
- Building Healthy RelationshipsStrong, healthy relationships are important throughout your life. Your social ties with family members, friends, neighbors, coworkers, and others impact your mental, emotional, and even physical well-being. “We can’t underestimate the power of a relationship in helping to promote well-being,” says NIH psychologist and relationship expert Dr. Valerie Maholmes. Studies have found that having a… Read more: Building Healthy Relationships
- Connections CountStrong, healthy relationships are important throughout your life. Your social ties with family members, friends, neighbors, coworkers, and others impact your mental, emotional, and even physical well-being. From the time you’re born, your relationships help you learn to navigate the world. You learn how to interact with others, express yourself, conduct everyday health habits, and… Read more: Connections Count
- Mindfulness ExercisesThe Cambridge Dictionary defines mindfulness as “the practice of being aware of your body, mind, and feelings in the present moment, thought to create a feeling of calm.” It means being aware of your thoughts, feelings, and surroundings instead of going through life on autopilot. Mindfulness matters because it can help manage stress, anxiety, and depression. It… Read more: Mindfulness Exercises
- Women’s Health Check ProgramBy: Brie Veltri, Health Program Specialist, Idaho Department of Health and Welfare What is Women’s Health Check Women’s Health Check provides FREE breast and cervical cancer screenings and diagnostic testing for women who qualify. Service providers include public health districts, primary care offices, hospital systems, mobile mammography services, community health centers, and more. Local Coordinators… Read more: Women’s Health Check Program
- Mastering MindfulnessFour Simple Ways to Pay More Attention to the Current Moment The Cambridge Dictionary defines mindfulness as “the practice of being aware of your body, mind, and feelings in the present moment, thought to create a feeling of calm.” It means being aware of your thoughts, feelings, and surroundings instead of going through life on… Read more: Mastering Mindfulness
- Summer SafetyNational Safety Month in June is an opportunity to prevent unnecessary injuries and deaths at home, at work, on the roads, and in our communities. It’s almost summer which means it’s time for fun in the sun, water sports, road trips, campouts, and BBQs! Make safety a priority for a happy and healthy summer with… Read more: Summer Safety
- Elder AbuseAn estimated 5 million older adults, or 1 in 10 older Americans experience physical, mental, and financial elder abuse, neglect, or exploitation each year. Unfortunately, it occurs in every demographic and can happen to anyone—a family member, a neighbor, even you. It is estimated that only one in five of these crimes are discovered. Each… Read more: Elder Abuse
- Melanoma Awareness MonthBy: Brie Veltri, Health Program Specialist, Idaho Department of Health and Welfare What is Skin Cancer? Skin cancer is caused when UV rays penetrate the skin and damage connective tissue and DNA. Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States.The two most common types are carcinomas. They are highly curable, but can be disfiguring and… Read more: Melanoma Awareness Month
- You Are Not AloneMay is Mental Health Awareness Month The goal of Mental Health Awareness Month is to fight stigma, provide support, and raise awareness about mental health within our communities. You Are Not Alone In the United States, one in five adults live with some form of mental illness and nearly half of all adults will experience… Read more: You Are Not Alone
- HPV and Related Cancers: Questions and FactsBy: Brie Veltri, Health Program Specialist, Idaho Department of Health and Welfare What is HPV? HPV, or Human Papillomavirus, is the most common sexually transmitted infection in the U.S. It is a common virus that causes most cases of cervical cancer, as well as vulvar and vaginal cancer in women, anal and penile cancer in… Read more: HPV and Related Cancers: Questions and Facts
- Colorectal Cancer: Fact or FictionBy: Brie Veltri, Health Program Specialist, Idaho Department of Health and Welfare March is National Colorectal Cancer Awareness MonthColorectal cancer (cancer of the colon or rectum) is the third most common cancer in the United States and the second leading cause of death from cancers that affect both men and women. Colorectal cancer affects people… Read more: Colorectal Cancer: Fact or Fiction
- Asking for Help is a StrengthBy: Roger Sherman, Executive Director of Idaho Children’s Trust Fund Phew. This has been a year that we will not soon forget. Our work lives have been stressful as we have adapted to working at home. And then, for many of us, we have had to adapt our parenting to accommodate the new norm of… Read more: Asking for Help is a Strength
- Radon: Fact or FictionBy: Hannah Day, Health Education Specialist, Environmental Health Program, Idaho Department of Health and Welfare January is National Radon Action MonthHave you ever heard of radon gas? Did you know radon is present in many Idaho homes? The Environmental Health Program within the Division of Public Health manages the Idaho Radon Program and can help… Read more: Radon: Fact or Fiction
- Diabetes Prevention During a PandemicBy: Nanci Jenkins, MS, RDN, LD, WIC Dietitian and D,HD, & S Grant Coordinator for Panhandle Health District 1 Have you checked your weight lately? Is your weight creeping up? Are your blood pressure and blood sugar levels rising? Or maybe you have no idea because it’s 2020 and the U.S. is still in the… Read more: Diabetes Prevention During a Pandemic
- National Prescription Drug Take Back DayNational Prescription Drug Take Back Day October 24, 2020 at 10:00 am – 2:00 pm Across the country, an estimated 9.9 million Americans misuse prescription drugs, and studies show that a majority of abused prescription drugs are obtained from family and friends, often from the home medicine cabinet1. To help prevent misuse of prescription drugs,… Read more: National Prescription Drug Take Back Day
- 25 Ways to Use ZucchiniIt’s that time of year when the zucchini starts popping up in backyard gardens. Here are 25 delicious ways to prepare this summertime staple! Add it to a saladAdd it to a smoothieBake itEat if for dessertEat it for breakfastEat it rawFreeze it for laterFritter itGrill itHasselback itLayer it in lasagnaMake a pieMake chipsMake… Read more: 25 Ways to Use Zucchini
- 3 Ways to Manage StressStress is a normal part of life, but living in a state of constant, chronic stress is not healthy. Here are three simple things you can do today to help you relax and reduce the impact of stress on your body and mind. Deep Breathing Deep breathing can be used to quickly reduce stress and… Read more: 3 Ways to Manage Stress
- Nutrition MythsBy: Leslee Blanch, RD, LD, Family Consumer Science Associate Extension Educator, University of Idaho Bonneville County Extension Deciphering Facts From Fads Sifting through nutrition information can be challenging, to say the least. Keep in mind that diets which promote the following principles are not based on fact, but rather on “fad”: Myth 1: Rapid weight… Read more: Nutrition Myths
- Matters of the HeartBy: Mimi Fetzer RD, LD, with The Idaho Diabetes, Heart Disease, and Stroke Prevention Program February is a time for love, relationships, and matters of the heart. That includes the relationship we have with our heart health. The heart pumps blood to all parts of the body. Blood carries oxygen, nutrition, hormones, and removes waste.… Read more: Matters of the Heart