Monthly mini challenges are simple, individual challenges designed to make participants happier and healthier. Track participation to be eligible for a prize drawing at the end of the year.

The year is coming to a close, so it is time to report how many mini challenges you completed to be entered to win the end of year prize drawing! You will receive one entry per month you completed. Click on the button below to let us know how you did!
DECEMBER: “Secret 007”
Do 7 nice things for someone.
The “Secret 007” Mini Challenge invites you to do seven nice things for another person in the next 31 days without them knowing it. Big or little, noticeable or not, it will make a difference for both of you. Sneak their favorite snack onto their desk, leave them a typed note giving them a compliment, or shovel their walkway when it snows. Feel free to invite others to help you accomplish your kind deeds.
Focusing on other people helps you look outside yourself, which, ironically, makes you happier. Trying to focus on what would make others happy takes it one step further. As you try to think and see the world as others do, you begin to open new horizons of understanding and it becomes easier to accept other people for who they are.
After you’ve finished this month’s mini challenge check it off on this year-long tracker. Keep track of how many mini challenges you complete to be eligible for a prize drawing at the end of the year! Report your 2020 mini challenges completion now!
January / February / March / April / May / June / July / August / September / October / November / December
Source: 102 Challenges by Tad Mitchell, 2018 WellRight, Inc.