An Attitude of Gratitude

When life gets challenging, it can be difficult to focus on all the good things we have to be thankful for. Our brains are hardwired to consider the worst possible scenario and remember negative experiences to avoid pain and stay safe in the future. Gratitude is one way to counteract our natural bias towards negativity to boost happiness and overall well-being.
Gratitude Tips
- Take a moment. Think about the positive things that happened during the day.
- Jot it down. Make a habit of writing down things you’re grateful for. Try this 30 day gratitude journal!
- Savor your experiences. Try to notice positive moments as they are happening.
- Relive the good times. Relive positive moments later by thinking about them or sharing them with others.
- Write to someone. Write a letter to someone you feel thankful toward. You don’t have to send it.
- Make a visit. Tell someone you’re grateful for them in person.