
Resilience is the ability to adapt and bounce back from stress, change, and challenge. Like a muscle, the more you exercise your resilience, the stronger it becomes. Being resilient doesn’t protect you from experiencing negative emotions, but it does help you embrace the opportunity to learn about yourself and prepare you for future challenges.
4 Ways to Revive Your Resilience

Get back to basics to boost your resilience.
Practicing positive lifestyle habits like good nutrition, sleep, hydration, and regular exercise can strengthen your body to adapt to stress and reduce the emotional impact.

Try to focus on what really matters to keep frustrations in perspective.
Focusing on the bigger picture can help you avoid blowing day-to-day annoyances like traffic and dirty laundry out of proportion.

Improve your mental health by leaning into positive social connections.
Work to keep relationships with friends, family, and co-workers strong so that you can be there for one another when times get tough.

Counteract the physical and mental side effects of stress by doing something that makes you feel good!
Laugh with a friend, move your body, or get to bed earlier. Doing just one thing that makes your body and mind feel a little better can help minimize the impact of stress.
Talk it Out
Talk to a mental health professional if you feel like you are unable to cope. The Employee Assistance Program [E.A.P.] provides confidential, short-term counseling services for benefit eligible employees and their dependents. You can call anytime to discuss marital, relationship or family problems; stress, anxiety and depression; grief and loss, job pressures and substance abuse.