Learn how to beat the wintertime doldrums in this FREE virtual class offered by University of Idaho Extension. ZOOM link: https://uidaho.zoom.us/j/83525173712 / Meeting ID: 835 2517 3712 RSVP to lblanch@uidaho.edu
Learn non-conventional well-being strategies to help you be at your best at work during this free virtual lunch and learn. Class size is limited and only open to State of Idaho employees. Register online to reserve your spot.
Powerful Tools for Caregivers is a 6-part workshop series, designed to help family caregivers find balance while caring for a loved one Learn to reduce stress, make tough decisions, navigate family dynamics, and connect with resources. Military Family Caregivers experience more physical, emotional and financial stress than the national average! The Zoom format for on-line […]
Take the Stairs Day! Enjoy the benefits of taking the stairs on Take the Stairs Day…and every day! Taking the stairs… …is an easy way to combat an otherwise sedentary lifestyle. …counts toward your recommended 30 minutes of daily physical activity. …burns about 8–11 calories per minute, which is 7 times more energy than taking […]
You Are Invited To A Powerful Tools Informational Meeting! This coming Thursday, January 14th 2021, You can join the on-line class. Who is invited? Class registrants, family caregivers, healthcare service providers, and others desiring to learn more about Powerful Tools. What will be included? We will begin with Zoom to make sure that everyone has […]
Whether your new years resolution is to lose weight, be more active, or learn a new skill, The Big Four Focus can help you feel your best so you can tackle your goals in 2021! Stay motivated with daily emails providing encouragement and troubleshooting techniques about improving the BIG 4 in your life – nutrition, activity, sleep, […]
Join the Alzheimer's Association of Greater Idaho for a virtual, 10-week early-stage program that includes education and care and support. For more information or to sign up, please email Amy Leavitt or call at 208-206-0041 ext 8197.
Give the gift of life at the next Chinden Campus Employee Blood Drive on January 19. Schedule your appointment online. Chinden Campus Building #2 – Coral Room 11321 W. Chinden Blvd, Boise, ID 83714
Powerful Tools for Caregivers is a 6-part workshop series, designed to help family caregivers find balance while caring for a loved one Learn to reduce stress, make tough decisions, navigate family dynamics, and connect with resources. Military Family Caregivers experience more physical, emotional and financial stress than the national average! The Zoom format for on-line […]
Join the Alzheimer's Association of Greater Idaho for a virtual, 10-week early-stage program that includes education and care and support. For more information or to sign up, please email Amy Leavitt or call at 208-206-0041 ext 8197.
Powerful Tools for Caregivers is a 6-part workshop series, designed to help family caregivers find balance while caring for a loved one Learn to reduce stress, make tough decisions, navigate family dynamics, and connect with resources. Military Family Caregivers experience more physical, emotional and financial stress than the national average! The Zoom format for on-line […]
Do you want to feel better? …lose weight? …lower your risk for chronic disease? Attend a free online informational session to learn how you can participate in the Diabetes Prevention Program. https://uidaho.zoom.us/j/88583474893 Questions? Email Lyshell Grigg.