First Place by Age/Gender
Lauren Diaz
(F / 18-29)
24 minutes 42 seconds
Brenda Corbett
(F / 30-49)
23 minutes 10 seconds
Amy Hirtle
(F / 50+)
26 minutes 27 seconds
Dale Granger
(M / 18-29)
19 minutes 56 seconds
Bryan Rich
(M / 30-49)
20 minutes 23 seconds
Michael McCurdy
(M / 50+)
23 minutes 48 seconds

Personal Record (PR)
Alyson Christianson / Amy Hirtle / AshLee Barclay / Bailey Peterson / Brenda Davis / Bryan Rich / Carissa Black / Cassie Barclay / Christine Taysan / Eugene Hayes / Hannah Erickson / Haylee Sesock / Joseph Otero / Katie Giesbrecht / Kelly Rey / Kortney Swartzfager / Mercedes Jimenez-Aguirre / Rebecca Lampe / Rocio Ledesma / Shawn Moore / Tamara Baysinger / Tessa Donaldson / Tracy Bruce / Trevor Sparrow

Very First 5K
Aislinn Johns / Alain Hernandez / Amber Re / Anna Hardy / Austin Somers / Benjamin Creelman / Bill Lillibridge / Blake Asay / Brian Miller / Brian Patingre / Brittany Crockett / Bryan Lauritsen / Carmen Garlie / Carol Anderson / Chris Baxter / Cozette Bolshaw / Cristina Legarreta / Daniel Bybee / Danielle Howe / David Duke / Donna Barney / Emily Leach / Esmeralda Velasquez / Eva Martinez / Hayley Goodwin / Javier Cervantes / Jeffrey Cook / Jennifer Iriondo / Jorge Rodriguez / Judy StGermain / Julie Moser / Kara Ferguson / Kara Kelley / Kari Riggs / Kate Nihipali / Kelly Maki / Keyla Villanueva / Kim Banner / Laela Wilmot/ Larissa Dittman / Lauren Diaz / Linda Check / Lynn Shelton / Marguerite Davids / Marjorie Lusk / Matthew Wiederhold / Megan Dumitru / Melissa Owens / Micaela de Loyola-Carkin / Michelle Cagle / Michelle Bowers / Motoko Chiba / Pamela Lottman / Patricia Greene / Sandra Gomez / Scott Smith / Scott Blaylock / Shannon Shafer / Shawn Jefferds / Sheila Weaver / Stephen Goodson / Steven Smith / Susan Stamper / Theresa Evans / Theresa Sorrell / Tiffanny Sharp Bowman / Tina Schilling / Tylor Mathews / William Coon

Photo Contest
Daniel Bybee / most beautiful photo
Jessica Doan and the IDOC crew / best team photo
Marguerite Davids / funniest photo

Participation Prize Drawing Winners
Eric Bennett / Javier Cervantes / Jorge Rodriguez / Lynn Shelton / Michal Lloyd / Michelle Juarez / Sharon Cates / Shawna Gundlach / Stephen Goodson / Stephen Tamm

WHO: If you are a State of Idaho employee, this virtual 5K run/walk is for you!
WHAT: A virtual 5K is a race that can be completed from any location you choose. You get to run or walk your own race, at your own pace, and time it yourself.
WHERE: Anywhere you want! A treadmill, a neighborhood street, a track, a foothill trail…it’s up to you.
WHEN: Complete your virtual 5K any time between October 20 and 26, 2021.
- Register online to receive your virtual race packet via email*. You must be a State of Idaho employee to register.
- Train and prepare for your 5K. Try one of the training plans found in your virtual race packet!
- Run, walk, jog, or skip a 5K distance (3.1 miles) anytime between October 20th and 26th.
- Report your race completion to be eligible for prizes!
*Virtual race packets will be sent via email within one business day of registering.
Prizes & Recognition
Everyone who completes the virtual 5K will receive a special finisher’s button. See below for additional ways to win prizes and recognition for your accomplishments!*

Fastest Run Time
The fastest man and woman in each age category will win a prize!

Personal Record (PR)
Set a PR to receive recognition and be entered in a special prize drawing.

Very First 5K
Complete your very first 5K to receive recognition and entered in a special prize drawing.

Photo Contest
Submit a photo from your 5K to be entered into the photo contest. DHR staff will vote for their favorite.

Cross the Finish Line
Simply cross the finish line to be entered to win various prize drawings, regardless of your time!
*Individual completion of the 5K distance and finishing time are “on your honor.” Just do your best and have fun!
This virtual 5K is open to State of Idaho employees only.